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Operation Proposal Episode 7 Synopsis

Synopsis overview for Operation Proposal Episode 7

when Baek Ho played Santa Claus just about every Christmas, he does not prepare a present to give to Yi Seul. Baek Ho again returns to the past to be a Santa for Yi Seul. Baek Ho didn’t want to miss the opportunity of becoming a sports agent that's Yi Seul’s dream intended for him, and in order just to save money to buy Yi Seul some sort of Christmas gift he been effective in various jobs such as road construction, moving company, wedding hall staff and worked extra as being a bell boy but he collapses finally due to exhaustion.

Meanwhile Jin Won’s dream is always to plan a new vision for any professional baseball system and Yi Seul can there be to support him, Yi Seul looks in Ji Won’s future and sees it to be a golden opportunity and recommends that Ji Won look at joining the thesis contest , sweepstakes. Yi Seul and Jin Won ultimately spending their Christmas eve inside the laboratory. Finally there’s only two minutes left prior to the deadline and Baek Ho is still in conflict because of his affection for Yi Seul….

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